Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sad Tale of Legalism

For the record, this is my blog and my opinion. It's still, for the time being anyway, a free country and I can still state my opinion. You are free to have a different opinion and are free to post it on your own blog.

Also, it is not my intent to offend anyone or hurt anybody's feelings. There are too many hurting people already.

Over on the Gluten Free Forum at there is a long-running brouhaha in countless threads over the sacrament of communion and the content of the elements. The issue in this particular forum is that the Catholic Church insists, even mandates, that the communion wafer be made of wheat, which of course celiacs cannot eat without getting sick. Understandably, they feel abandoned by their own faith. I have not visited forums frequented by recovering alcoholics, but I have no doubt the sentiment over there is the same as the Catholic Church also insists on fermented grape juice, aka wine, rather than unfermented (Welch's) grape juice. (Yes, I know they had wine at the Last Supper. Wine in Biblical times wasn't the same as wine today any more than wheat then was the same as it is now. That's not the point of this post.)

I am not, nor have I even been Catholic. There are some fundamental issues that I have with Catholic theology, such as praying to Mary as intercessor on our behalf. That is not her job. That is Christ's job. He sits at the right hand of the Father just for that reason.

I do agree with and am thankful for some of the stands the Catholic Church takes.

  • They point out that homosexuality is a sin. This is backed up by scripture throughout the Bible. Homosexuality is never mentioned other than as sinful behavior that is an abomination before the Lord. The lifestyle is unhealthy in every aspect, no matter whose statistics you look at. The Catholic Church has never wavered in this position, no matter how much pressure liberalized culture puts on them. I am grateful there is such a large and recognized organization that refuses to buckle under pressure on this issue.

  • They point out that God hates divorce, along with the behavior that causes most divorces, such as selfishness, infidelity, inability to handle finances properly, dishonesty, and other issues. God knew full well how painful divorce would be to all parties involved and pointed out how he wanted us to behave. The Catholic Church has not wavered here either. There is scripture to back up this position almost anywhere you look in the Bible.

  • They point out and steadfastly maintain that abortion is murder of an unborn child. Again there is scripture to back this up and the issue is not negotiable.

HOWEVER there is nothing in scripture that says the sacramental wafer must be made of wheat. The disciples reclining around the table (floor mat?) at the last supper did not break and share a "wafer." It was bread.

Insisting and mandating that people follow the teachings of the Church rather that the Word of God is the same sort of legalism that made Jesus so angry during His ministry hear on earth. I can't imagine Him telling people that they must "do this in remembrance of me" . . . . . "but it doesn't count if it isn't made of wheat." Or "it doesn't count if it isn't alcoholic." Or "too bad if it makes you sick - do it anyway."

That is NOT why He came!

The "Last Supper" was a Passover meal. Passover comes in March or April, during barley season. Wheat does not ripen until May.

Do you suppose it's possible that the bread they broke and shared wasn't even made of wheat at all but of barley? !!!!!!!

I was always taught that The Word of God found in the Bible was always to be the source to go to when questions needed to be answered. My parents taught me that. Several pastors have taught me that. But the Catholic church says they are the authority, even when what they say conflicts with the Scriptures. As much as I love my Catholic relatives, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances, I just cannot go along with that.

Nowhere in Scripture does it say that the elements of the sacrament of communion MUST contain wheat. In those passages regarding the Last Supper and the communion, wheat is not even mentioned.

How sad that so many people are hurting both physically and emotionally because of some legalistic rule.

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