Tales of Victory - Tales of Woe - Tales of the Gluten Intolerant. A series of successes and failures in learning to navigate a world obsessed and infested with gluten.
While gluten intolerance involves inconvenient and costly but relatively minor dietary adjustments for some people and then they can get on with a fairly normal life, it totally incapacitates others and they are unable to enter or return to the workplace.
Some are content to susbist on disability. Some have a supportive spouse, parent or whatever. Some don't realize there are other options.
Being chronically ill does not mean you cannot be productive and self supporting. There are many work-from-home opportunities that can be done - and done successfully - by the chronically ill.
If this is you, let me invite you to join moms, care-givers, retired people, students and others who need to make a living but just cannot handle the demands of a typical away-from-home work place or schedule.
Please visit these sites to see all the ways you can work from home!