Friday, January 25, 2008

Tale of Victory at My Baptism!

I have learned that when God hits me over the head and says to do something, it is wise to do it. So during church a couple of weeks age when He said I should be baptised the following Saturday at the already scheduled event, I found the associate pastor between services and put my name on the list.

The event was at the home of a family that has a pool with a (blessedly!) heated jacuzzi. Hamburgers and drinks were provided and everyone was to bring something to share.

There was no way anything there would not be cross-contaminated, so I took my own salad and some Lay's Stax (the ONLY safe chip) and a bag of chips to share.

I ate my food and they ate their food and everyone was happy! Furthermore I did not get sick!

It was a wonderful experience.

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