Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Banning Incandescent Bulbs Is A BAD Idea

Today it was announced that the Philippines will phase out incandescent bulbs by 2010. Canada and Australia have already made similar legislation. Even here is California we are headed that way.

While I think encouraging the use of energy efficient bulbs is great, the outright banning of incandescent bulbs is just plain wrong.

Why? Because tens - maybe hundreds - of thousands of people are adversely affected by fluorescent light. These people will essentially be confined to their homes, and if they run out of bulbs because they didn't stockpile enough, they will sit at home in the dark.

You probably are not even aware of these people unless you know one personally because they already cannot go shopping for clothes or groceries or anything else, nor can they go into any other public building because they all use fluorescent lighting. Most of them cannot work for the same reason.

The Western world must curb its energy use, but the outright banning of the incandescent bulb is NOT the way to do it.