Thursday, January 31, 2008

Gluten-Free Liquid Vitamins

People who have food allergies and sensitivities as well as other issues involving the digestive system or the immune system often do not absorb enough nutrients to keep them in the best of health. Even if they eat a most healthy diet, it can be difficult to get enough nutrients out of the food and into the body.

There is a little-known but wonderful product called Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition that could just come to the rescue of many of these people and be a major boon to their overall health.

Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition is up to 98% absorbable, peach-flavored with no after taste, and contains 127 nutrients, 77 plant-derived minerals, and 13 vitamins, plus 12 herbs and 18 amino acids.
But best of all it contains NO WHEAT and NO GLUTEN! Even Smiley likes Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition!
I have been using this product about 3-4 years now, and am very pleased with it. The taste is very mild and the price is reasonable. The results are wonderful.

If you would like to try this for yourself, please click on the banner below. You'll be glad you did!

Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition - Gluten Free and Wheat Free!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Tale of Victory at My Baptism!

I have learned that when God hits me over the head and says to do something, it is wise to do it. So during church a couple of weeks age when He said I should be baptised the following Saturday at the already scheduled event, I found the associate pastor between services and put my name on the list.

The event was at the home of a family that has a pool with a (blessedly!) heated jacuzzi. Hamburgers and drinks were provided and everyone was to bring something to share.

There was no way anything there would not be cross-contaminated, so I took my own salad and some Lay's Stax (the ONLY safe chip) and a bag of chips to share.

I ate my food and they ate their food and everyone was happy! Furthermore I did not get sick!

It was a wonderful experience.